Police Command|

Lieutenant Battaglia started his career with the City of White Plains in March 2005, when he was a civilian dispatcher.  In January 2006, he became a Police Officer and was assigned to the Patrol Division.  During his time in Patrol, he served as a recruit instructor and field training officer.

Lieutenant Battaglia spent much of his career on the midnight tour and in 2008 was awarded by MADD as the DWI officer of the year. 

In December 2012, he took over as the field training coordinator.  In August of 2013, he was promoted to Sergeant.  He continued in his role as the head of the field training program. 

In July of 2019, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and served as a Tour Commander in the Patrol Division.  In November of 2020, he was given the additional role of acting as the commanding officer of the newly formed Neighborhood Initiative Unit. 

In June 2021, Lieutenant Battaglia was reassigned as the Executive Officer of the Patrol Division, responsible for all daily operations in the Patrol Division, oversight of the Neighborhood Initiative Unit, head of the Field Training Program and also serves as the fleet manager.  

Lieutenant Vincenzo Battaglia

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