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Stay Informed with White Plains Alerts

White Plains ALERTS is our community notification system. It is powered by CodeRED and is a high speed communication service for emergency notifications as well as important community-related information. Through this system, the City can contact residents and businesses via telephone, email and/or text message. The system primarily utilizes land line telephone numbers however, we encourage you to register additional contact information, such as mobile phone numbers and emailaddresses, to ensure  you continue to receive important City even if service to your land line is down.

The system is used to communicate important information to residents and businesses during emergencies or impending events that may require residents to prepare or take other actions. White Plains Alerts may also be used during area power failures, severe storms, or other unusual events. The system is a tool for the City to disseminate factual information, provide notification of available resources, or to communicate the need to take emergency actions.

When you sign up you will also have the option to choose to receive occasional non-emergency General Notifications about changes to City services due to holidays (for example, garbage pick-up schedule changes) or about events that are not emergencies.

Please register today! You can sign up on the White Plains ALERTS enrollment page and manage your preferences there as well. Once again, the system uses land lines as the primary means of communication. As such, you may receive some notifications without signing up. However, it is still important to sign up to ensure we have multiple paths to reach you.

Important: Use your physical White Plains address. Do not use a post office box or out of town address.

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