Personnel Complaint Form - ENG
Personnel Complaint forms can be filled out, scanned and returned via email to, faxed to (914) 422-6122 or sent by postal service to
White Plains Department of Public Safety,
77 So. Lexington Ave
White Plains, NY 10601
If you are unable to download this form, please call (914) 422-6106 to have a form mailed to you.
When a complaint is received about any department member, the complaint will be assessed regarding the nature and validity of the complaint. The Chief of Police will assign the Office of Professional Standards to investigate the allegations.
Upon receipt of the complaint the complainant will be advised that their complaint is being investigated.
All complaints, investigations and interviews are strictly confidential throughout the entire process.
If an investigation requires a long period of time to complete, the Office of Professional Standards will periodically keep the complainant informed that the matter is still under investigation. At the completion of the investigation, the Chief will notify the complainant of the results of the investigation.