Public Safety|

The Department of Public Safety, led by Commissioner David E. Chong, oversees the Police and Fire Bureau as well as Emergency Medical Services and All-Hazards Planning.

The City of White Plains has earned a reputation as a community with a high level of police and fire protection services. This reputation is reflected in its low crime rate statistics when compared with cities of similar size as well as the City’s excellent fire insurance rating of “1” for New York State communities.

White Plains skyline

The White Plains Public Safety Model offers a command and administrative structure that provides a coordinated emergency response.

Police-Fire collaboration has led to service enhancements that go beyond addressing routine issues. The leveraging of public safety resources has led to greater efficiency and effectiveness for personnel from both agencies.

Daily collaboration between police and fire commanders on crime, fire, and quality-of-life issues has established a strong base upon which to build a comprehensive emergency preparedness program.

The model also stresses a collaborative effort with other agencies and the private sector regarding public safety concerns and the creation of partnerships in safe housing, crime and fire prevention, education and emergency planning and response.

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