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Alarm Permit Application

The Alarm Permit Application must be completed, signed and either mailed or brought in person to the Data Management Unit along with the appropriate fee.
Size: 208.35 KB
Hits: 1378
Date added: 09-28-2021

2024 Civilian Academy Application

Size: 148.42 KB
Hits: 217
Date added: 09-12-2024

Cabaret Permit Application

The Cabaret License Application must be completed, signed, notarized and mailed or brought in person to the Data Management Unit along with the appropriate fee. The guidelines for approval are listed on page four (4) of the application.
Size: 57.70 KB
Hits: 685
Date added: 09-28-2021

FOIL Application (Freedom of Information Request)

If your request can not be fulfilled via our online service, this form may be filled out and submitted via email or in person.

Please be as specific as possible regarding the records that you wish to obtain.

Size: 116.54 KB
Hits: 1573
Date added: 09-28-2021

Live Music Entertainment

For accessory cabarets wishing to sell tickets in advance or the charging of a fee inside the premises for live musical entertainment.

Permit applications shall be submitted at least ten (10) days in advance of the scheduled performance.

The completed form may be emailed to or faxed to (914) 422-6122.

Size: 33.80 KB
Hits: 441
Date added: 09-28-2021

Personnel Complaint Form - ENG

Personnel Complaint forms can be filled out, scanned and returned via email to, faxed to (914) 422-6122 or sent by postal service to

White Plains Department of Public Safety,
77 So. Lexington Ave
White Plains, NY 10601

If you are unable to download this form, please call (914) 422-6106 to have a form mailed to you.

When a complaint is received about any department member, the complaint will be assessed regarding the nature and validity of the complaint. The Chief of Police will assign the Office of Professional Standards to investigate the allegations.

Upon receipt of the complaint the complainant will be advised that their complaint is being investigated.

All complaints, investigations and interviews are strictly confidential throughout the entire process.

If an investigation requires a long period of time to complete, the Office of Professional Standards will periodically keep the complainant informed that the matter is still under investigation. At the completion of the investigation, the Chief will notify the complainant of the results of the investigation.

Size: 115.57 KB
Hits: 735
Date added: 09-28-2021

Personnel Complaint Form - ESP

Los formularios de quejas del personal se pueden completar, escanear y enviar por correo electrónico a, enviar por fax al (914) 422-6122 o enviar por servicio postal a

White Plains Department of Public Safety,
77 So. Lexington Ave
White Plains, NY 10601

Si no puede descargar este formulario, llame al (914) 422-6106 para que le envíen un formulario por correo.

Cuando se recibe una queja sobre cualquier miembro del departamento, la queja se evaluará con respecto a la circunstancia y validez de la queja. El Jefe de Policía asignará a la Oficina de Estándares Profesionales para investigar las acusaciones.

Al recibir la queja, se le informará al denunciante que su queja está siendo investigada.

Todas las quejas, investigaciones y entrevistas son estrictamente confidenciales durante todo el proceso.

Si una investigación requiere un largo período de tiempo para completarse, la Oficina de Estándares Profesionales mantendrá informado periódicamente al denunciante de que el asunto aún está bajo investigación. Al finalizar la investigación, el Jefe de Policia notificará al denunciante los resultados de la investigación.

Size: 107.45 KB
Hits: 392
Date added: 09-28-2021

Rapid Recovery Program Registration

Used to register an autistic child or elderly individual suffering from dementia to our Rapid Recovery Program.

The completed form can be mailed to:

77 So. Lexington Avenue
White Plains, NY 10601

or filled out, scanned and emailed to

Size: 38.29 KB
Hits: 291
Date added: 09-28-2021

Sound Permit Application

Must accompany a Special Event Permit if the event involves an amplified sound device in, on or near any public place.

There is a $50.00 processing fee. Application and fee must be brought in person to the Data Management Unit.

Size: 92.65 KB
Hits: 1601
Date added: 09-28-2021

Special Event Application

Special Event permit applications require a minimum of two (2) weeks advance notification. This form must be signed by the applicant on both pages. There are no associated fees.

The completed form may be emailed to or faxed to (914) 422-6122.

Size: 108.16 KB
Hits: 1078
Date added: 09-28-2021

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