Event Date:
Aug 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Public Safety Building,
77 South Lexington Avenue,
White Plains

On Wednesday, August 21, 2024, neighborhoods throughout the City of White Plains are invited to join forces with thousands of communities nationwide for the “41st Annual National Night Out.” For the White Plains Police Department, this will be our 12th year participating in this unique program. National Night Out is designed to: (1) Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; (2) Generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime efforts; (3) Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and (4) Send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and are fighting back.

From 6 to 9 p.m. on August 21, 2024 you along with residents in neighborhoods throughout the city of White Plains are asked to lock their doors and turn on outside lights. We invite you to spend the evening outside with neighbors and join forces at the City of White Plains Public Safety Headquarters located at 77 S. Lexington Ave., WPNY.

We recognize that you are an important part of the fiber of our community so we ask you to stand together and join us to promote awareness, safety, and neighborhood unity. National Night Out showcases the vital importance of police-community partnerships and citizen involvement in our effort to build a safer city. We invite neighborhoods to join us in “Giving Crime & Drugs a Going Away Party.”

Along with the traditional outside lights and front porch vigils, The City of White Plains will celebrate “National Night Out” with an open house of the White Plains Public Safety Department along with a safety fair that will include a DJ and tables manned by Community Service Organizations. There will be free giveaways, along with visits from elected officials representing our local government and representatives from New York State Police, as well as members of the White Plains Department of Public Safety (Police and Fire Bureau). As always you are welcomed to drop off any and all expired or unwanted prescription and non-prescription medication at our drug collection box located at Police H.Q.’s.

As a special addition to National Night Out this Year we will also be holding a Child Car Seat Safety Check during the event! Let us ease your confusion about Car Seat Safety! Learn the proper use and installation of your child’s car seat. Our technicians can offer key info on the transition between car seats, booster seats and standard seatbelts.

Let us inspect your child’s car seat to be sure:

  • It’s the correct seat for your child
  • It’s properly installed and safe
  • Is not expired or recalled


Community groups, service organizations and neighborhood associations that are interested in participating should contact to reserve a table:
Detective Martha Tineo
Office: (914) 422-6227
Email: mtineo@whiteplainsny.gov

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