Police Reform|

Training is, by far, one of the most important facets to policing. The lack of necessary training, specifically in de-escalation, is believed to be the reason for some of the country’s most notorious cases of police brutality.

The goal of these training and equipment recommendations is to promote a culture
within the White Plains Police Department that emphasizes treating the public with dignity and respect, the protection of human life and public safety, and the
enhancement of mutual trust between the community and the police.


New training opportunities need to be evaluated on the extent to which they recognize and
incorporate the principles of Procedural Justice, Sanctity of Life, and the Guardian mindset into the training.

It is important that the recommended training below be prioritized and offered regularly, at least once per year, to the extent feasible.

The Committee recommends that the current in-house training curriculum be
supplemented with additional or more specific training in the areas of:

  • Trauma
  • Disabled Community
  • Mental Illness
  • LGBTQ & Transgender Community
  • Intersectionality
  • Undocumented individuals & families

Implementation Status

These areas of training are cycled into our annual In-Service Training Program on a rotating basis.

Other relevant training is routinely evaluated for inclusion.

Various trainings throughout the year are also conducted on a small group basis/train the trainer.

The following specific training programs in unbiased policing are strongly recommended:

  • “Undoing Racism Workshop” from The People’s Institute of Survival & Beyond.
  • Training with Neighbors Link – A police/parent education program.

Implementation Status

These specific training programs are being reviewed at this time.

The following specific training programs in policing are strongly recommended:

  • ABLE Project (Active Bystandership in Law Enforcement) created by Georgetown Law.
  • ICAT (Integrating Communications, Assessments and Tactics)

Implementation Status

UPDATED APRIL 18th, 2022

In the beginning of February 2022, WPPD began its annual in service training. This year members of the department are being trained in ABLE. ABLE stands for Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement and was created by Georgetown University Law Center. In order to be accepted into this program the Department had to receive letters of support from community organizations and were supported by Calvary Baptist Church, The Loft, The Honorable Mayor Tom Roach, The Chief of Police Joseph Castelli and My Sisters Place. Active bystandership is actively and effectively used in many professions where people’s wellbeing and safety are at risk. It requires comprehensive commitment within an organization as well as openness to listening to those who serve you. The three main pillars of ABLE are to reduce mistakes, prevent misconduct and promote health and wellness. Able, at its core is a culture change. It’s about preventing harm to our officers, to individuals and the community. All sworn Police personnel will receive this training by the end of May, 2022.

STATUS as of OCTOBER 8th, 2021

The ABLE Project (Active Bystandership in Law Enforcement) has been added to our 2022 In-Service Training schedule. 

ICAT (Integrating Communications, Assessments and Tactics) Training was completed in January of 2021 and was integrated into our In-Service Training Program the same year in the course De-escalation & Duty to Intervene“. 

It is strongly recommended that all officers, including executive officers, be required to successfully complete training in:

  • Cultural Competency
  • Implicit Bias / Antiracism
  • De-escalation and the proper use of the Continuum of Force

Implementation Status

All officers, including executive officers received the following training in  the 2021 In-Service Training Program.

Fair & Impartial Policing“, a course taught by DCJS certified trainers that covered topics such as implicit bias, cultural competency and community engagement.

De-escalation & Duty to Intervene“, a course taught by ICAT (Integrating Communications, Assessments and Tactics) certified instructors. 

Training conducted by an appropriate professional / subject matter expert is strongly recommended and preferred, and when possible should also include those with lived
experience in order to provide officers with that unique perspective.

Implementation Status

This recommendation will be strongly considered when reviewing new training programs and subject matter.

The Committee recommends that the WPPD advocate for 24/7 access to mental health

Implementation Status


Since Dec 2023, WPPD has been able to utilize the services of the Mobile Crisis Response Team. This team is a collaborative effort between Westchester County Department of Community Mental Health and the Mental Health Association and provides social workers to assist with persons in crisis on a 24/7 basis.

Status as of OCTOBER 8th, 2021

Potential programs are in development.


Prioritize the use and purchase of non-lethal and less-lethal equipment and make such equipment readily available to officers in all squad cars.

Implementation Status


The police department has purchased and continually trains on multiple less lethal technologies.  In the recent past we have purchased  Bola Wrap technology and are in the process of expanding our TASER program.  We have also continued to utilize our Humane Restraint Blanket for persons in crisis and are in the process of testing a new form of OC spray.  We will continue to monitor and try new technologies as they come to the market in an effort to better and more safely serve our community.

Status as of OCTOBER 8th, 2021

The purchase and readiness of non-lethal and less-lethal equipment remains a priority of the Department.

It is strongly recommended that offensive military grade equipment not be used or
purchased by the Department.

Implementation Status

The Department agrees and has no current purchase orders or interest in this type of equipment.

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